
 Clinical Studies - First-line studies

Early treatment intensification in patients with high risk Mantle Cell Lymphoma using CAR-T-cell treatment after an abbreviated induction therapy with Rituximab and Ibrutinib and 6 months Ibrutinib maintenance (Arm A) as compared to standard of care induction and maintenance (Arm B)

Download protocol (2023-07-14)


MCL Elderly III
Venetoclax in combination with the BTK inhibitor Ibrutinib and Rituximab or conventional chemotherapy (Bendamustine) and Ibrutinib and Rituximab in patients with treatment naive Mantle Cell Lymphoma not eligible for high dose therapy

Download recruiting chart (2024-06-24)

Download protocol (2023-01-05)


This is a phase II trial, with the aim of developing a chemotherapy-free regimen for untreated patients with MCL. Acalabrutinib, or ACP-196, is a next generation BTK inhibitor, more selective than ibrutinib, and without in vitro antagonism of anti-CD20 directed immunotherapies, indicating that its combination with rituximab may be more active than the combination of ibrutinib and rituximab (Barf et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2017).

Download protocol (2021-10-22)


GELTAMO IMCL-2015  - Recruitment stopped!

The IMCL-2015 is a phase II study that evaluates a tailored frontline treatment using ibrutinib in combination with rituximab (IR) in indolent clinical forms of MCL. In addition, a

minimal residual disease (MRD)–driven time-limited treatment is incorporated.

Download protocol (2020-09-16)

TRIANGLE - Recruitment stopped!

Randomized, three-arm, parallel-group, open label, international phase III trial comparing six alternating courses of R-CHOP/R-DHAP (one cycle every 21 days) followed by ASCT versus the combination with ibrutinib in induction and maintenance (2 years) or the experimental arm without ASCT.

Prospective Randomized Comparison of Myeloablative Radiochemotherapy followed by Blood Stem Cell Transplantation versus Maintenance with Interferon alpha.

Download recruitment (2020-12-28)

Download protocol (2019-11-19)


MCL R2 Elderly - Recruitment stopped!

Efficacy of alternating immunochemotherapy consisting of R-CHOP + R-HAD versus R-CHOP alone, followed by maintenance therapy consisting of additional lenalidomide with rituximab versus rituximab alone for older patients with mantle cell lymphoma.

Download recruitment (2020-08-10)

Download protocol (2019-06-24)


MCL Younger - Recruitment stopped!

Efficacy of 6 courses CHOP plus Rituximab followed by myeloablative radiochemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation versus alternating courses of 3x CHOP and 3x DHAP plus Rituximab followed by a high dose ARA-C containing myeloablative regimen and autologous stem cell transplantation.

Download recruitment (2011-10-22)


MCL Elderly / MCL autologous SCT - Recruitment stopped!

Efficacy of maintenance therapy with rituximab after induction chemotherapy (R-CHOP vs. R-FC) for elderly patients with mantle cell lymphoma not suitable for stem cell transplantation.

Download recruitment (2004-10-09)

Download protocol (2000-11-02)

 Clinical Studies - Relapse studies


A phase I-II, open-label multicenter trial
The primary efficacy variable is the evaluation of overall response rate (ORR) at 6 months with lenalidomide-venetoclax and rituximab, in patients with relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), using an MRD driven strategy.

Download protocol (2021-02-08)


SAKK 36/13
Combination of ibrutinib and bortezomib followed by ibrutinib maintenance to treat patients with relapsed and refractory mantle cell lymphoma; a multicenter Phase I/II trial

Download protocol (2019-03-11)

R-HAD-Studie (MCL 2005-01) - Recruitment stopped!

Efficacy and safety of RITUXIMAB, High-Dose ARA-C and DEXAMETHASONE (R-HAD) alone or in combination with BORTEZOMIB in patients with relapsed oder refractory Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Download recruitment (2019-03-28)


Zevalin-Study - Recruitment stopped!

Efficacy and safety of 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan in patients with refractory or relapsed mantle cell lymphoma after / not appropriate for autologous stem cell transplantation


Attention: This study is closed!