Clinical Intergroup

Clinical Intergroup

The European MCL Network consists of 15 national lymphoma study groups supplemented by experts in histopathology and molecular genetics. Selection of individual partners was exclusively based on scientific excellence, profound clinical experience of MCL treatment, broad knowledge of the underlying molecular pathogenesis and outstanding methodological expertise.


During the last decade, our European consortium has successfully completed the largest phase III trials in MCL worldwide with a current annual recruitment of almost 200 patients per year in our first line studies. Detailed results have been presented at the last ASH and Lugano conferences.


Participating clinical study groups and national representative:

(J. Seymour, Melbourne/Australia)
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(M. Trneny, Prag/Czech Republic)
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Croatian Study group
(I. Aurer, Zagreb/Croatia)
FIL (Italian Intergroup)
(M. Ladetto, C. Visco, Torino/Italy)
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(E Giné, A Marin, Barcelona/Spain)
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(M. Dreyling, Munich/Germany)
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(J. Doorduijn, Rotterdam/Netherlands)
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(E. Vandenberghe)
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Israelian Study group
(O. Shpilberg, Petah-Tiqva/Israel)
(O. Hermine, V. Ribrag, St. Le Gouill, Paris/France)
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(J. Kuruvilla, Toronto/Canada)
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(S. Rule, Plymouth/United Kingdom)
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Nordic Lymphoma Group
(M. Jerkeman, Lund/Sweden,
I. Glimelius Uppsala/Sweden)
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(J. Walewski, Warzawa/Poland)
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Portuguese LSG
(M. Gomes da Silva, Lisboa/Portugal)
(M. Fehr, St.Gallen/Switzerland)
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