Dr. rer. nat Anke Ohler
University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
55118 Mainz
TILCH MK, VISCO C, KINDA S, HERMINE O, KOHN M, BESSON C, LAMURE S, DULÉRY R, RAGAINI S, EYRE TA, VAN MEERTEN T, OHLER A, ECKERLE S, DREYLING M, HESS G, GINÉ E, GOMES DA SILVA M. Outcome of COVID-19 in Patients With Mantle Cell Lymphoma-Report From the European MCL Registry. Hemasphere. 2022 Apr 8;6(5):e0711
MAZURA AD, OHLER A, STORCK SE, KURTYKA M, SCHARFENBERGER F, WEGGEN S, BECKER-PAULY C, PIETRZIK CU PCSK9 acts as a key regulator of Aβ clearance across the blood-brain barrier. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2022 Mar 27;79(4):212.
GINDORF M, STORCK SE, OHLER A, SCHARFENBERGER F, BECKER-PAULY C, PIETRZIK CU Meprin β: A Novel Regulator of Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity. Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2021 Jan;41(1):31-44.
FREUDENBERGER F, OHLER A, THEOBALD M, HESS G. Cure rate in the elderly patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma deteriorates after the age of 80-results from a single-center survey. Ann Hematol. 2021 Apr;100(4):1013-1021.
BEDAU T, PETERS F, PROX J, ARNOLD P, SCHMIDT F, FINKERNAGEL M, KÖLLMANN S, WICHERT R, OTTE A, OHLER A, STIRNBERG M, LUCIUS R, KOUDELKA T, THOLEY A, BIASIN V, PIETRZIK CU, KWAPISZEWSKA G, BECKER-PAULY C. (2017) Ectodomain shedding of CD99 within highly conserved regions is mediated by the metalloprotease meprin β and promotes transendothelial cell migration. FASEB J. 31(3):1226-1237.
JÄCKLE F., STIRNBERG M., ARNOLD P., PROX J., SCHMIDT F., OHLER A., KOUDELKA T., THOLEY A., GÜTSCHOW M. AND BECKER-PAULY C. (2015). Metalloprotease meprin β is activated by transmembrane serine protease matriptase 2 at the cell surface. Biochem J. 470(1):91-103
JEFFERSON T., AUF DEM KELLER U., BELLAC C., METZ V. V., BRODER C., HEDRICH J., OHLER A., MAIER W., MAGDOLEN V., STERCHI E., BOND J. S., JAYAKUMAR A., TRAUPE H., CHALARIS A., ROSE-JOHN S., PIETRZIK C. U., POSTINA R., OVERALL C. M. AND BECKER-PAULY, C. (2013). The substrate degradome of meprin metalloproteases reveals an unexpected proteolytic link between meprin β and ADAM10. Cell Mol Life Sci 70, 309-333
OHLER A. AND BECKER-PAULY C. (2012) TMPRSS4 a Type II Transmembrane Serine Protease involved in cancer and viral infections. Biol Chem 393, 907-914.
BECKER-PAULY C., BARRÉ O., SCHILLING O., AUF DEM KELLER U., OHLER A., BRODER C., SCHÜTTE A., KAPPELHOFF R., STÖCKER W. AND OVERALL C.M. (2011). Proteomic analyses reveal an acidic prime side specificity for the astacin metalloprotease family reflected by physiological substrates. Mol Cell Proteomics 10, M111 009233
OHLER A. AND BECKER-PAULY C. (2011) Morpholino knockdown of the ubiquitously expressed transmembrane serine protease TMPRSS4a in zebrafish embryos exhibits severe defects in organogenesis and cell adhesion. Biol Chem. 392, 653-664.
OHLER A., DEBELA M., WAGNER S., MAGDOLEN V. AND BECKER-PAULY C. (2010). Analyzing the protease web in skin: meprin metalloproteases are activated specifically by KLK4, 5 and 8 vice versa leading to processing of proKLK7 thereby triggering its activation. Biol Chem. 391, 455-460.